Diamond Education

Beyond the 4 Cs of Diamonds


A diamond’s cut determines its brilliance and fire. It refers to the proportions, symmetry, and polish of the stone. A well-cut diamond maximizes light return, making it sparkle and shine.

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Diamond Sparkle


While most people associate diamonds with being colorless, they actually come in a range of colors. The closer a diamond is to colorless, the higher its value. However, fancy color diamonds, such as pink, blue, or yellow, can be highly sought-after and valuable.

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Clarity refers to the presence of inclusions or blemishes within a diamond. These imperfections can affect a diamond’s appearance and value. While some inclusions are visible to the naked eye, others can only be detected with a microscope.

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diamond sparkle


Carat is a unit of weight used to measure diamonds. A larger carat weight generally indicates a larger diamond, but it’s important to consider the other 4Cs when evaluating a diamond’s overall quality and value.

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Fancy Color Diamonds

Fancy color diamonds are rare and highly prized for their unique hues. These diamonds are formed when trace elements, such as boron or nitrogen, are present during the crystallization process.

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